Thursday, 29 August 2013

How to Excel in Examination

     The examination season during each semester is very stressful for students. We have to sacrifice simple pleasures like shopping, listening to music and even taking naps in order to pass the examinations with flying colours. Some of us succeed, but some may just get by. Here are some tips to do well in examinations.

     The thing which is of utmost importance for every student is consistency. We need to revise whatever we are taught daily. This will help us to retain what we have studied better. Consistent studying and revising will prevent us from missing out important details.

     We should also have a proper study environment. Peace and quiet will enable us to concentrate better and thus, absorb what we learn faster. In an environment where there are many interruptions, we will find ourselves sidetracked to do. Therefore, we should try to stay away from distractions such as the television or computer.


      Besides that, a good way to maintain good grades is by joining a study group. In a study group, we will be able to share our knowledge with others and clear our doubts on problematic issues at the same time. By asking our peers in a study group for opinions, we will be able to see things from a different perspective.

     Lastly, we should refrain from studying at eleventh hour. Last minute preparations should be avoided at all cost as they might contribute towards a mental blackout. An overload information within a short period of time can be detrimental. In addition, last minute preparations can cause unwanted pressure missed out important points.

     All in all, if we know the right techniques and apply them where necessary, we will definitely ace our examinations. If what we need to know is at our fingertips, we can stride into examination hall with confidence and score distinctions with ease.

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