Thursday, 29 August 2013


     If you switch on your television, you are most likely to see advertisements which encourage you to recycle. What does recycling mean? Recycling refers to the process of transforming waste material into useable resources. In other words, recycling means collecting used material which would normally be thrown away. These materials are then processed into new products. Most of the items you use each day such as paper, glass, plastic and aluminium can be recycled. Everyone should recycle because there are many benefits of recycling.
     First, recycling reduces air pollution. When you recyle paper, glass, plastic and aluminium, you are actually decreasing the demand for new products made from these materials. As a result, factories will reduce manufacturing these products. When fewer products are manufactured, the amount of toxins released into the air is subsequently reduced. Therefore, air pollution is lessened.

     Second, recycling saves landfill space. Rubbish you discard is taken to landfills where it is either buried or incinerated. So, if you consistently throw rubbish, there would not be enough space left at landfills. However, if you recycle the rubbish, the amount of rubbish will gradually be reduced. This will inevitably save landfill space.
     Next, recycling conserves natural resources. This is because it reduces the need for raw materials. For example, if you recycle paper, you do not have to cut down many trees. If you recycle aluminium tins, you reduce the need for mining tin ore. So, natural resources are protected and used sparingly.
     Finally, recycling saves energy. It takes more energy to create something from scratch than to recycle it. For instance, it takes more energy to produce paper than to recycle it. Energy saving is important because it is one way to reduce the effects of global warming.
     In conlusion, recycling is a good way to protect our environment. So, start recycling!

Indoor Air Pollution

     Air polllution is often asscotiated with smog, acid rain and other forms of outdoor air pollutants,but did you know that the air in your house could also be polluted? We spend a lot of time in enclosed environments, for example at home, in classrooms and in hostels, yet we spend so little time thinking about the quality of air indoors.

     There are many sources of indoor air pollution. One of the most common sources is insect repellents. When we use insects repellents, we are actually releasing toxic substances into the air. Once these toxic substances are released, they circulate in the air within our house for a long time. The substances in these products can be very harmful to us, and may even cause cancer.

     Besides that, another source of indoor pollution is wood products such as plywood, hardwood wall panelling and fibreboard, which are used in buildings and furniture. These products emit a harmful gas, especially when they are new and the humidity level is high. This gas can cause headaches, dizziness, lethargy, nausea, nosebleeds and memory loss.

     Apart from the two sources mentioned above, gas stoves, furnaces and smoke from wood stoves also affect the quality of air in our house. Carbon monoxide is released into the air when petroleum products and wood are burned. It can cause headaches and throat irritation when the level is low. However, when the level is high, carbon monoxide can cause loss of consciousness, and even death.

     Therefore, it is very important to ensure that indoor air pollution stays at a relatively low level as it can be very detrimental to our health. We can improve the level of air quality by making sure that our house is properly ventilated. We can also place some common house plants such as the spider plant and Golden Pothos indoors. These plants can remove contaminats from indoor air.

How to Excel in Examination

     The examination season during each semester is very stressful for students. We have to sacrifice simple pleasures like shopping, listening to music and even taking naps in order to pass the examinations with flying colours. Some of us succeed, but some may just get by. Here are some tips to do well in examinations.

     The thing which is of utmost importance for every student is consistency. We need to revise whatever we are taught daily. This will help us to retain what we have studied better. Consistent studying and revising will prevent us from missing out important details.

     We should also have a proper study environment. Peace and quiet will enable us to concentrate better and thus, absorb what we learn faster. In an environment where there are many interruptions, we will find ourselves sidetracked to do. Therefore, we should try to stay away from distractions such as the television or computer.


      Besides that, a good way to maintain good grades is by joining a study group. In a study group, we will be able to share our knowledge with others and clear our doubts on problematic issues at the same time. By asking our peers in a study group for opinions, we will be able to see things from a different perspective.

     Lastly, we should refrain from studying at eleventh hour. Last minute preparations should be avoided at all cost as they might contribute towards a mental blackout. An overload information within a short period of time can be detrimental. In addition, last minute preparations can cause unwanted pressure missed out important points.

     All in all, if we know the right techniques and apply them where necessary, we will definitely ace our examinations. If what we need to know is at our fingertips, we can stride into examination hall with confidence and score distinctions with ease.


     Having friends in our lives is very important. Friendships can help us to face hardship and suffering, and bring us joy and laughter. Friendships can also enrich our lives with memorable experiences and happy encounters. Although some of us may consider ourselves from society forever. After all, no man is an island. Thus, here are some steps we can take to make friends.
      Firstly, we should take the initiative to get to know others, instead of always relying and waiting for them to make the first move with us. It is said that a friend is a gift you give yourself. So, why not make the first move? There are many ways to break the ice with people we meet for the first time. The simple gesture of smiling at someone could help us to embark on a meaningful journey of friendship.


     Besides that, another way to widen our circle of friends is to treat others with respect. We should be humble and void being judgemental. We should always treat our friends as how we would want them to treat us. We should also keep in mind that what goes around comes around. Hence, if we treat our friends with disrespect, we will find ourselves being treated the same way. By being respectful to others, we will soon find ourselves surrounded by people who are keen to be our friends.

     Lastly, we could learn to be more helpful. When someone is in need of a helping hand, we should never shy away from offering our help. This will evoke a sense of gratitude in others and they would want to be our friends. This encourages us to forge and cherish longlasting frienships.

     In conclusion, it is not difficult to make friends. Maintain a cheerful demeanour and always be yourself. If you follow these simple rules, you will soon find your social calendar overflowing with events.